Save the date: 4 & 5 September 2025 in Bath, UK
Thank you all for coming to BDW 2024!
The Workshop
Two Days of Powerful Talks
Save the date: the 4th and 5th of September 2025!
Research on blood damage in rotating systems is a main subject of the Institute of Turbomachinery (ITU) at the University of Rostock. With a history of 600 years, Rostock is one of the oldest universities in Germany. The technical faculty founded in 1951 was the first one ever established at a classical university in Germany.
To enhance international innovation, we invite you to discuss in workshops current research about flow-induced blood damage in rotating systems, especially in ventricular assist devices.
The workshop is focused on:
- the numerical treatment of blood flow in rotating flow systems,
- the experimental detection of blood damage and the transition to numerical blood damage models,
- numerical blood damage prediction in rotating systems, and numerical flow optimization in rotating blood pumps, e.g. for clinical or industrial applications.
We are pleased that we can include exciting presentations in the program and hope that it will lead to challenging and innovative discussions.
Many thanks to ERCOFTAC for funding this workshop. The program will start at 9am on 5 September and end at 5.30pm. Afterwards, our legendary beach party starts at 7pm. On the Second Day, the program will start at 9am and end at 12pm. The program of the workshop will allow all participants to arrive in time for the yESAO congress in Aachen.(please note, that this timeplan is still subject to change. The plan will be announced once all submitted abstracts have been reviewed and the 2024 program is finalized)
The workshop will take place in Technologiepark Warnemünde, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Straße 5, 18119 Warnemünde. The technology centre is situated close to the beach of Warnemünde. A wide selection of hotels can be found nearby. Book your rooms in time because of the holiday season.
You can download the program here.
About the Institute
The Institute of Turbomachinery deals with reasearch and teaching in the field of turbomachinery systems. Our main focus are numerical methods for the development and optimization of turbomachines as well as their acoustics. Extensive experimental equipment is available for the research, such as an anechoic chamber.
One of our main subjects is the research on ventricular assist devices.
Further information can be found at www.itu.uni-rostock.de.
The workshop will take place in the modern conference rooms of Technologiepark Warnemünde. This year's location offers more space for presentations, disucussions and meetings. It is still relatively close located to the water and therefore offers the possibility to get to the beach within a few minutes and to relax after the workshop.
Rostock and Warnemünde offer numerous possibilities to spend a nice time. We recommend WIROtel Mittelmole, the aja Hotel Warnemünde and the Strand Hotel Hübner. We have reserved an alotment of 6 single- and 10 double-bed rooms at WIROtel for you to book (https://www.wiro.de/en/wirotel-mittelmole.html , reserved until 30th of June 2024). You will recieve the password for accessing the alotment with the confirmation for your registration for BDWS24
If you have any questions, please contact itu.bdw@uni-rostock.de.
For further information about the WIROtel Mittelmole please visit https://www.wiro.de/en/wirotel-mittelmole.html.
For further information about the aja Hotel Warnemünde please visit www.aja.de.
For further information about the Strand Hotel Hübner please visit www.strandhotelhuebner.de.
Technologiepark Warnemünde, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Straße 5, 18119 Warnemünde